Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dark-Eyed and Sullen

Dravi was dark-eyed and sullen when Shruti tugged him away from her skirts and pushed her toward Rastaban, who had been about to follow the other boys out to help the men pack up the camp.

Rastaban paused and turned. “Hello.”

Dravi mumbled what might have been a hello in return. He was bigger than Rastaban, more well-fed.

“We should help the soldiers,” Rastaban said.

Dravi eyed the other boys, who gazed at him with distaste. He said, “Don’t wanna.”

Rastaban shrugged and hurried to help the others. He could feel Dravi’s eyes on him the entire time.

1 comment:

grburbank said...

I'm caught up once again! You are on a posting spree. I like this a lot--it's very interesting.