Friday, August 21, 2009

Hardly Any Consolation

“It’s been three months.” Malia drove her knife into the dirt beside the map Shanka had drawn. “What are we waiting for?”

“Our agreement was that they stayed out of our lands, and they have,” Shanka began.

“They broke that agreement,” Malia said. “That they decided to abide by it after is hardly any consolation for the women they killed or the fact that they’ve been robbing and killing our people.”

Shanka glanced over her shoulder at Old Master, who was feigning sleep in the corner of the tent.

She rose to her feet. “Fine. Tomorrow we march to war.”


Madness said...

It doesn't seem like Asia to back down just because one of her commanders is being petulant. But maybe my perspective is wrong.

Nagi said...

Ah. Asia is not backing down because of her Lieutenant. She is backing down because Old Master wants Angel.