Sunday, June 7, 2009

Time Has Come

“Form up!” Rastaban perched atop Nightmare, his warhorse, and waited for Khouri and Rhajj to glare the rest of the men into position. Rami had run his band of soldiers more like a band of thieves, but Rastaban liked discipline and order.

There was some shuffling, but eventually the men assembled themselves into neat ranks. The first few times they’d grumbled that Rami wouldn’t have ordered such nonsense, but no one had died in the five years since Rastaban had assumed command, and he had his men’s respect.

“Where to, General?” Khouri asked.

Rastaban grinned. “To the steppes, my friends.”


grburbank said...

I'm guessing there was a chapter break and a lot of time has passed--as in five years. Or else I just missed a lot.

Nagi said...

Yeah. I failed at indicating a chapter break. But technically there was one. I wasn't going to harp on Rastaban as a teenager. I'll have to work out some sort of chapter break system. I need to figure out how to backdate posts.