Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hunter, Hunted

Dakshana couldn't speak. Chadstone was handsome - unearthly so - and bore all the marks of a fine hunter - strong body, excellent weapon - but just now he was. A man. Not an arrogant hunter, not a frightened boy, a man. Who had helped her friends.

Then he straightened up and cleaned his blade with a handful of leaves. He paused, listened.

"We should hide." He was a hunter again, alert, sure.

"Why?" Minka asked. She limped.

"Others are coming," Chadstone said.

A chorus of howls rang through the trees, weaving, rising. Closer.

Dakshana grabbed Srina's hand. To Chadstone, she said, "Which way?"

1 comment:

Madness said...

Yay for DJ. I have always liked his character. These drabbles present a new perspective.