Saturday, February 5, 2011

Alive How?

Darius's lanistas growled. "Keep moving."

Dael twisted in his grip. "Flavia!" She was alive? How?

Surely she and Angelus had been tried and condemned --


She was condemned to die in the arena.

"Dael, I'm so sorry. I'll get you out of this, I promise." Flavia clung to the bars, gazed at him with fever-bright eyes.

"Where is Angelus?" Dael asked. The lanistas tried to drag him, but he planted in a solid stance.

"Escaped. Fled."

"He abandoned you?"

"Escaped. Now go. Survive. I will free you from this." Flavia's expression was full of sorrow. "I am so sorry. This would not have happened to you if not for me."

One of Darius's lanistas released Dael, prowled closer to Flavia.

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