Monday, February 7, 2011

Well Done

"How bad is it?" Dael asked quietly, propping Avery against the wall in a sitting position.

The other gladiators moved away.

"Ribs. Hip," Avery grunted.

He was also bleeding from the thigh. Dael couldn't deal with the gash till later - someone would notice. He could fix Avery's ribs, leave the flesh brushed and heal the bones. If Darius found out what Dael could do, he'd never be free.

"You defeated the Lion. Well done." Dael smiled at Avery, who smiled back grimly.

Good. He was distracted. Dael built the blue energy between his palms, placed his hands on Avery's ribs, and pushed. The crowd's roar drowned out Avery's scream.

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